Sunday, May 2, 2010

Obsessions of a 9 year old boy

I was just peeling potatoes in the kitchen when my 9 year old son who struggles with some OCD tendencies walked up and said, " " That, of course, represents the long pause it takes for him to get his words out and the time he gives me to prepare myself for the confessions of an OCD 9 year old. After the long pause, he said, "I like Betty's." I didn't respond. I don't know what Betty's are or what he likes of Betty's. Furthermore, I don't really want to know. Most of you if given the choice would not want to know what 9 year old boys think about all day long. As a matter of fact, we've insisted that most of his confessions be given to my husband who is in charge of teaching him to "be a man." There's a whole other post in and of itself. However, he wasn't happy with the silent treatment he was getting and said again, "I really like Betty's." Me still thinking, I really don't care to know. "Cabetty's." At that point, I realized he was actually working on one of his other obsessions. I said, "Do you mean Cabelas?" He said, "Yeah, I love Cabelas." My niece and nephew took him there yesterday and they must have text us five times asking if he could have a gun or a crossbow or maybe just a rated T video game. He didn't actually buy anything but he had a great time.